Lady MV

Lady MV

Lady MV

LADY MV The Challenge Lady MV needed someone to take care of all their brand identity and sought my help. They had an illustration of a lady that they wanted to use and they had an existing Big Cartel website that they needed customized to be cohesive with their...
Amerifund Corporation

Amerifund Corporation

Amerifund Corporation Website and brand identity design for Amerifund Corporation, a real estate consultant and broker. The client needed a website they provided information on what they do and have their potential customers have the ability to contact them from their...
God’s Tooth Fairies

God’s Tooth Fairies

God’s Tooth Fairies The Challenge God’s Tooth Fairies is a non-profit that helps children learn how to take care of their teeth. They are based in the Carmel, CA area and are passionate about their cause. Kristen Comello, the founder of God’s Tooth...